Category: Superannuation

Financial Planning, Superannuation
Tax Planning: Maximizing Benefits Through Carry Forward Contributions
In the realm of tax planning, a deep understanding of superannuation contribution rules, such as the carry forward contributions rule, can lead to significant financial benefits. This rule is an effective strategy that enables individuals to increase their super balance while reducing their taxable income by leveraging unused concessional caps from previous years. It’s important […]
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Financial Planning, Superannuation
The Valuation Conundrum: Valuing Unlisted Assets in Australian Superannuation Funds
Unlisted assets have played an increasingly important role amongst industry super funds. As of June 2023, the average proportion invested by industry superannuation funds in unlisted assets was 16.4%, with approximately 4.8% allocated to both unlisted equity and direct property and 6.7% to unlisted infrastructure. In comparison, Australia’s largest superannuation fund, Australian Super, currently holds […]
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Financial Planning, Superannuation
Tax Planning – reduce tax using the super carry forward provisions by 30 June
The end of the financial year is rapidly approaching and, along with it, the opportunity to claim a tax deduction on additional superannuation contributions. Why contribute more to super? Superannuation does impose restrictions on access to your money. It is, after all, intended to provide for your retirement. So why would you lock up more […]
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Get Your Super Together and Save
If you have had different jobs with different employers over your working career, you may have superannuation accounts with many different funds. Apart from the time it takes to keep track of these accounts, there are three more serious concerns of which you should be aware. 1 – Investment Strategy Choosing the right investments […]
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Property Investing and SMSFs – The Differences
Australians love to invest in property. And what’s not to love? It’s tangible, offers diversification and tax benefits, and can provide you with a good income and strong capital growth. The benefits of investing in property can be amplified when held within super and with changes to borrowing within Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) over the […]
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3 Easy Ways To Boost Your Retirement Savings
Some believe once your superannuation account is set up when you start working, the rest is done for you. While that’s true in part, taking a ‘set-and-forget’ approach may mean you’ll miss out on opportunities to grow your super faster. Opportunities that could allow you to retire sooner than you thought possible. Taking advantage of […]
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