Financial Planning, Investing, Retirement Planning

An Introductory Guide to Investing for Future Retirees

25 June 2021

How to Make the Most of Your Money for a Perfect Retirement.

Becoming a retiree is great. It should be one of the most exciting times in your life where you will finally have the free time you deserve to do the things you love.

However, this excitement can easily and quickly disappear if your retirement funds are not at a point where they can support you for the long-term.

When you look at your retirement savings and superannuation account, you may be worried that you don’t have enough to retire comfortably. 

Any sudden big expense that comes your way can significantly reduce the number of funds that you have. Before you know it, you might be struggling with a lack of cash without an ongoing income to rely on. 

Building an investment plan can help you avoid such tough financial situations and generate enough money without a primary source of income. 

Here is a short four-step guide on how you can get started in investing and create a post-retirement investment plan for success: 

1. Set Your Goals

Approaching retirement age can really put your goals and priorities into perspective. 

Before starting an investment plan or building an investment portfolio, it’s important to understand what your goals are for investing. 

It may be that it’s for leisure, or just to get some extra money to tuck away for a rainy day. Perhaps you want enough savings to support your children or grandchildren? 

But many retirees usually aim to invest because they want enough money for themselves to live comfortably and with peace of mind for their entire retirement. 

Whatever goals you have in mind, putting that thought to paper can be really helpful to create a personalised investment strategy that is unique to you and your aspirations.

2. Check Your Budget

Calculating your current cash flow and savings is essential before investing. Your current financial situation is key to investment success. 

You should be able to determine how much you want to invest. There are always risks when it comes to investing, so knowing what your cashflow is like can help you decide how much you want to invest. Sometimes the smallest adjustments to your budget make a huge difference to the amount you can save long term. 

Aside from the amount you’re going to invest, a budget check can also help you conceptualise how you want to approach investing. Some tend to be quite passive and cautious in their investment if there’s some risk on the line, while others can afford to take far more risk and dive in without hesitation. 

3. Understand Your Options

Researching the different investment options you have and the range of asset classes you can select from can help you to create a well-balanced investment portfolio you are completely confident and comfortable with. 

If you’re looking for where to invest your money, the rate of return on savings accounts is at an all-time low. You may like to consider other asset classes such as bonds & diversified managed funds (including your superannuation investment) 


Ultimately, diversification is the goal for any investment plan.


However, even with research, investments and markets can change very quickly. Consider seeking a professional financial advisor to help you select appropriate investments for you. 

Cambio Group’s financial planners have the knowledge and experience to help you make smart, informed decisions about your investment plan. We understand that your financial security is essential and can help you achieve your financial goals now and for your retirement.

4. Getting the Right Advice

Some retirees are likely to have zero to no experience when it comes to investing, which can put you at a disadvantage among a pool of experienced investors. Seek a financial advisor who will steer you in the right direction and guide you through the process. 

The first step is often always the hardest, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Just give yourself the time and right headspace to start, and listen to trusted financial advice from experts.

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Cambio Group helps our clients make smart, informed financial decisions to set them up for success in their golden years. Book a complimentary consultation today!



Disclaimer: The information (including taxation) in this website does not consider your personal circumstances and is of a general nature only – unless otherwise stated. You should not act on the information provided without first obtaining professional advice specific to your circumstances.

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