Category: Life Insurance

Financial Planning, Life Insurance
Protect Yourself Through Superannuation
The attractiveness of superannuation as an investment and savings vehicle is well known. Although the federal government places limits on the amount of tax-effective contributions we can make, the ability to structure insurance arrangements through super remains. How does insurance through super work? The types of insurances considered here are limited to those that relate […]
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Financial Planning, Life Insurance
Reducing the Most Important Risk to Business
Business owners often overlook the potential for risks and the impact they may have. The main reason most business owners would give for this oversight is they are just too busy working in the business to focus on what “might” happen. And often the risks are assessed only of after a risk event and sometimes […]
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Life Insurance
No Income Protection Insurance? Why Take the Risk?
On average, only 25% of debilitating injuries occur at work or are work-related. In 2018-19 there were 115,707 compensation claims made for serious work-related injuries in Australia. The average time it took for a worker to return to work due to a serious injury was over six weeks. In 2018-19 the median compensation payout for […]
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Life Insurance
Do You Need Personal Insurance Cover?
The 4 Different Types of Life Insurance and How They Can Protect You and Your Family. The right personal insurance cover can ensure that you and your family are best protected no matter what life throws your way. So many people work incredibly hard to grow their wealth – through their career, through saving and […]
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Life Insurance
Do You Need Income Protection?
Most people are covered by some sort of insurance, whether that’s for your car, health or home. But one type of insurance that many people forget – or are unsure if they need – is income protection. Everyday living is expensive – there’s bills, food, rent and mortgages. But can you imagine how stressful it […]
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Financial Planning, Life Insurance
Life Insurance: A Critical Part of Your Financial Plan
Being able to provide for yourself and your family is one of the most important things in life. That’s why when the unexpected occurs, it’s a relief to have life insurance cover in place to know that you, your income, and your lifestyle are best protected. Your financial plan is all about taking smart, proactive […]
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